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The race


Port Camargue




Kito de Pavant




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The race

Conceived by navigator Kito de Pavant, the first edition of the new Mediterranean ocean race will start on September 29, 2024 from Grau du Roi - Port Camargue in the Gard region of France's Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region. Two categories of boats, monohulls (Class40) and multihulls (Ocean Fifty), will set off towards Saïda Resorts, in the Oriental region of Morocco. Arrival is scheduled for October 4, after five days of double-handed racing around some of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean.

Two classes, two courses

Although the Class 40s (12.19 metre monohulls) and the Ocean Fifties (15.24 metre multihulls) will be setting off together on 29 September off Port Camargue, the former will be setting out on a course of around 1,080 miles, compared with 1,500 miles for the latter, which are faster. The aim: to arrive together at Saïdia Resorts, on the north-east coast of Morocco, from Friday 4 October. But before an unforgettable weekend of festivities, under the sign of warm Moroccan hospitality, the crews will have to criss-cross the Mediterranean, passing through the spectacular mouths of Bonifacio, the mythical Aeolian Islands, the heavenly Balearic archipelago and the charming Zaffarine Islands. 

Taking ocean racing off the beaten track

"We have all the ingredients we need to build a great ocean race in the Mediterranean, one that we want to be a long-term fixture, and one that will enable us to tell some great stories, explains Kito de Pavant, who has teamed up with Christophe Carniel, a major player in the French and international sporting scene. I've learnt a lot from taking part in a lot of events over the last 40 years. We're trying to take the best of all these experiences, add new ideas from elsewhere, and do our own thing. It's a big gamble, but we like things that aren't easy. With a great deal of enthusiasm and the desire to bring together and welcome all those involved in the race in the best possible way, Kito has just one idea in mind: "I want them to be happy and leave wanting to come back next time.


Linking continents... That's the promise of the MED MAX I Occitanie - Saïdia Resorts, whose skippers will set off from the northern shore of the Mediterranean to reach its southern shore. Five days of double-handed sailing, but also a journey between two continents, Europe and Africa, two countries, France and Morocco, two regions, Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée and Oriental, two towns, Le Grau du Roi and Saïdia. "That's really the leitmotif of our organisation, says Kito de Pavant. Our sport is first and foremost about travelling by boat, optimising trajectories to get from one country to another as quickly as possible, from one shore to another".The MED MAX I Occitanie - Saïdia Resorts is a transatlantic race, with a few course constraints. It's the very principle of transatlantic racing that the MED MAX I Occitanie - Saïdia Resorts is transferring to a different body of water, the Mediterranean, which offers so many possibilities. "I think the skippers are going to be surprised by the welcome they'll receive in Morocco, in a country that doesn't know much about ocean racing. They're going to discover all the qualities of a people and a country that have a lot to offer. It's going to be a great party.


Port camargue

Port Camargue is a must for any stay in Le Grau du Roi. A marina of international renown, it's so pleasant to walk along the quays, admire the boats and let yourself be drawn in by the sound of clanging masts. 

Port Camargue is Europe's No. 1 marina, and the world's No. 2 marina behind San Diego in the United States.

5,000 boats moored year-round, including 2,760 in public ports and 2,240 in marinas. The Port covers 172 hectares and 10 km of pontoons and quays. 

In light of the challenges posed by climate change, Port Camargue has embarked on the transition to a new development model. 

Here, the wind is part of the scenery. Between high and low pressure, the strong winds feed off these regularly circulating air masses, which flow naturally from the Rhône valley to our coast. The Mistral and Tramontane winds are a delight for sailors. Medium and regular, they're perfect for sailing. 



Saïdia Resorts

Saïda Resorts is a unique destination, nestled in an unspoilt natural environment on Morocco's northeast coast. It boasts a 6-kilometer-long beach of fine sand and a mild, sunny climate all year round. This magnificent seaside resort boasts a large marina with 1300 berths, two 18-hole golf courses, an aquapark, a shopping center and several modern, friendly hotel units. A wonderful setting to welcome tandems exhausted after several days of naval battle.


MED MAX I Occitanie program - Saïdia Resorts


Kito de Pavant

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