Med Max and Predict work together to make weather reports accessible to the general public

La Med Max I Occitanie-Saïdia Resorts in partnership with Predict Servicesthe company specialising in the prevention and management of meteorological risks, is offering a weather bulletin for the general public. The aim of this initiative is to make weather information more accessible, giving everyone a better understanding of the weather conditions that the skippers will have to face during the race. Thanks to this partnership, sailing enthusiasts and the curious will be able to anticipate and decipher the strategic decisions taken by the teams of skippers, while following the evolution of weather conditions throughout the competition.

Temps calme sur le site

Rédigé le Lundi 07 Octobre 2024

BULLETIN for Monday

Le temps s’annonce calme et ensoleillé ce lundi sur le site de Saïdia. Un léger vent d’ouest devrait se lever et persister jusqu’à mardi après-midi. Jusqu’à mercredi, le temps restera calme et beau malgré quelques nuages tenaces en matinée.

En mer, des conditions calmes sont également attendues ce lundi. Une faible houle de nord-ouest devrait se mettre en place mardi matin.

Pas de risque météo attendu.