Words on board: Taking to the sea Taking action for the forest

Words on board: Taking to the sea Taking action for the forest

Hello everyone,

3th night aboard the Class 40 "Prendre la mer, Agir pour la Forêt"! We arrive in Ibiza! Fiesta!

We may also come across the route of the Ultim trimarans as looking at the AIS, I can see that Banque Populaire and Edmond de Rothschild aren't very far away! The last time Christophe and I passed one of them offshore was during our first Transat Jacques Vabre! It's great to come across them racing in the Mediterranean! It's The place to be this October!

Otherwise all's well on board! It was a magnificent day, with flat seas, the wind gradually picking up mid-morning and we were able to make fast headway under Code 0. We opted to pass very close to Majorca, which enabled us to catch up a little with Phénix, the first sharp Class 40! And the gap widened with our pursuers.

The race directors decided to lengthen the course a little, which was a bit of an unknown as we were afraid we'd end up back in the calms or at the Reaching fort, which wouldn't have been very favourable for our old steed of the seas! We're going to make the most of it to visit a little corner of paradise with las Islas del Columbretes grande!

See you soon, earthlings!

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